Use "gang|ganged|ganging|gangs" in a sentence

1. Membership: 1,000 The Blindfish gang originated in a go-gang that modeled itself on the old 1% biker gangs and called themselves the Orkland MC

2. c) Gangs will be prevented from using these entertainment outlets as grounds for gang recruitment and congregation

3. 25 Each gang in the city has staked out its territory and defends it ruthlessly from other gangs.

4. Gangs killing rival gangs I guess?

5. Are you two ganging up on me?

6. She feels that everyone's ganging up against her.

7. The Aryan Brotherhood is a very popular gang of criminals and remains one of the most feared prison gangs in the world

8. The foreman ganged the men together.

9. Some dozen barefooted urchins ganged in from the riverside.

10. I was press-ganged into working in that business.

11. We were press-ganged into serving the drinks.

12. ‘But that wrecked show-trial wasn't the only media scheme that ganged Agley in November 2005.’ ‘I should have expected that plan to gang Agley.’ ‘The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft Agley.’ ‘Sometimes we fail simply because we are poor, dumb, fallible, feckless human beings whose best-laid schemes gang aft Agley.’

13. Bakshish Lyrics: Uh, gang-gang, gang-gang / Gang-gang, gang-gang, uh / Yeah bitch, uh, yeah bitch / Hashish, na po pina hashish (hashish bitch) / Tash mushet tavolina Bakshish (Bakshish …

14. 5 They ganged up on me and nicked my harmonica.

15. I've been press-ganged into taking the kids swimming.

16. The government denies that the women were press-ganged.

17. You've all ganged up against me, it's not fair.

18. A number of unruly youth ganged up and terrorized the district.

19. She was a volunteer, she hadn't had to be press-ganged.

20. Some dozen Barefooted urchins ganged in from the riverside: 2

21. If we had ganged up, he would have taken a firmer position.

22. They left their villages to evade being press-ganged into the army.

23. The boy was frail and never ganged with his fellows at school.

24. Bill "the Butcher" Cutting in Gangs of New York is based on Bill "the Butcher" Poole, a real gang-leader of the era and a Butcher by trade

25. It all started with the gangs.

26. Gangs of labourers dug the canals.

27. Afternoon, gang!

28. 1 These gangs operate with apparent impunity.

29. Street gangs have been terrorizing the neighbourhood.

30. Gangs of marauding youths filled the streets.

31. 13 They left their villages to evade being press-ganged into the army.

32. 6 The smaller shopkeepers ganged together to beat off competition from the supermarkets.

33. The gangs combined against a common enemy.

34. 21 These gangs operate with apparent impunity.

35. This magazine in no way glorifies gangs.

36. The " Aang Gang "?

37. Several gangs were operating in the area.

38. They often clash violently with rival gangs.

39. Yet homegrown gangs may prove equally troublesome.

40. Silver Cutlassfish Gang!

41. 21 Gangs Gangs may fight their rivals for the sake of supremacy and pride, but they only attack innocent strangers for fun.

42. He don't get involved in drugs, in gangs.

43. All your recurrent fears of the world ganging up on you came to the surface, and you ran away.

44. Each of these gangs has its own territory.

45. Aggro definition, aggressiveness, especially that of an urban youth gang or gang member

46. Gangs Gangs may fight their rivals for the sake of supremacy and pride, but they only attack innocent strangers for fun.

47. Cities are often dominated by gangs of wayward youths.

48. Gang bang is rude.

49. The town survived the depredations of marauding gangs.

50. 3 Gangs of marauding youths filled the streets.

51. In addition, methods are provided for reading an MTJ in a ganged memory cell of the MRAM.

52. 12 The whole class ganged up against/on her because she was the teacher's pet.

53. Gang dur Alt-Züri.

54. Shackles and gang chains

55. Criminal gangs are terrorizing the city with apparent impunity.

56. 4 The town survived the depredations of marauding gangs.

57. co gang het minh.

58. Tiffany was gang raped.

59. Please, no gang signs

60. A very white gang.

61. Besides serving the broader purpose of neighborhood protection, the Bloods street gang originally arose as an opposing force to their rivals the Crips, who had been allying with various other gangs in the 1970s and becoming more powerful.

62. Brigandage Meaning: "highway robbery by organized gangs," c

63. Three gangs feeding the hatred... and the hostility among themselves.

64. No, they're always gang members

65. The Cutups was one of the many gangs within Novigrad

66. Gangs of criminals specialize in a variety of contraband items.

67. Neighbourhood gangs are thought to contribute to dangerous school environments.

68. There were always gangs of kids hanging around the mall.

69. Others join gangs in search of a sense of belonging.

70. • The new mayor is actively Crusading against drugs and gangs

71. 3 Criminal gangs are terrorizing the city with apparent impunity.

72. Pushers, gangs, killers, they all respect him like a god.

73. Gang Vehicle Locations for Confiscator

74. Every gang needs a hideout.

75. This is betraying the gang.

76. Police suspect a local gang.

77. We are not a gang.

78. The trouble began when gangs began breaking windows and looting shops.

79. She was working under cover to get information on drug gangs.

80. This city is being run by gangs and drug dealers.